Our Kiddush luncheon following Shabbos morning services is one of the best parts of Congregation B’nai Israel. People gather to share stories, laugh, joke, and meet new people. With Kiddush, our members build connections that make CBI a strong, vibrant community. By sponsoring Kiddush, you foster that sense of community.
You can sponsor a Kiddush to honor someone, remember someone, celebrate a simcha, or a group can celebrate something they have in common (e.g., common yahrzeits, birthdays, etc.). Others choose to participate via our “Kiddush Club,” which accepts donations from CBI’s membership and hosts all non-sponsored kiddushim.
We have four levels of regular Kiddush sponsorship which may be found in this attachment. The costs included are for normal Shabbos attendance of 50-60 people.
We also work with several Kosher caterers in the area who can prepare more elaborate items and displays including baked or poached salmon, sesame noodles, whole smoked white fish, pasta dishes, and more. If you are interested in sponsoring a more elaborate Kiddush, we can help make those introductions. Note that any outside caterer for a sponsored Kiddush must be approved by Rabbi Brodkin.
Please contact us about date availability or with any questions or concerns by emailing our Kiddush coordinator Vic Schioppo or calling him at (732) 610-9189.
Thank you for your sponsorship; we look forward to working together to make your Kiddush special!